We interviewed Bruce Dorn of IDC Photo Video about their new products. More at: http://idcphotovideo.com
We interviewed Bruce Dorn of IDC Photo Video about their new products. More at: http://idcphotovideo.com
Our fifth interview was at the IndiSystem booth with Tim Ovel. More information @ http://indisystem.com
This is from poynter.org
“Until Wednesday, the White House debated whether to release photos showing Osama bin Laden’s body. In theory, the photos would be proof to any doubters that the terrorist is dead. But not all photos can be believed — not even when they seem to show the president of the United States making a historic speech.
Reuters White House photographer Jason Reed describes how the president made his speech to a single TV camera, then immediately after finishing, he pretended to speak for the still cameras.”
Disturbing. This seems to violate the trust of the press and politicians. So what is real news and what is staged?
“Because of the noise from the camera shutters and the placement of the teleprompter, “we are not able to photograph those events.”” the article goes on to say. We have new camera's that are quiet, why not use them.
For our fourth interview we talked to Daniel McElderry of CamCaddie at the Schneider Optics booth. More information @ http://camcaddie.com
(I used a CamCaddie EX during the show on my Canon 60D HDSLR camera.)
For our third video we went to the Manfrotto booth and talked with Robert Stephani. More information can be found @ http://manfrotto.us
Robert Rozak from JuicedLink is our second interview at NAB 2011. More @ JuicedLink.com
From CrunchGear.
Film Canister USB Drives Hold More Pictures Than They Did As Film Canisters
by Devin Coldewey on April 18, 2011
Everyone likes a good novelty flash drive, as long as it’s the right kind of novelty. Photographers will enjoy these little 35mm film canisters converted into 2GB and 4GB drives — at $19 and $24 they’re not too expensive, and there’s a choice of many different film types, so you can pick one he or she might have actually used.
No T-Max 400, though, that was my jam. Check ‘em out over at Etsy.
Rick Young of MacVideo.TV interviewed me at the Final Cut SuperMeet after the announcement of Final Cut X. I am in the second video. Go to his MacVideo.TV to see the Interview. It was great meeting Rick at the show and MacVideo.TV has great information about shooting video. I am holding the rig I used to interview people at their booths. (My rig consisted of a Cam Caddie Scorpion, a Hoodloupe 3.0 with a Hoodstrap and an Audio-technica ATR55 Telemike plugged directly in to my Canon 60D.)