LinkyFocus is a new USB follow focus under development. I did not see this at NAB. I did see a lot of motorized follow focuses. I always thought, why not use the focus motor in the lens? Looks promising.
From their site:
“The LinkyFocus uses the autofocus motor in Canon lenses to control focus, even while recording video. LinkyFocus is different: driven by an electronic position encoder, it allows to make fine adjustments of focus while rotating slowly the knob, or rotating faster automatically switch on the fly to the other two available speeds. This compact system works in any LiveView modes, which can be useful for film making. On the unit are available up to 10 push buttons to start/stop the recording and for other features. Can be used as remote control for a camera mounted on a crane or jib, can work with normal USB extension cables up to 25 meters in length.”